03 December 2008


The kids are napping and I'm slipping away for a moment.. no Facebook, photo editing, web browsing or video games... not even cleaning, that's what all perfect mothers do while their wee ones sleep, right? I admit, I use to, scrub, scrub, scrub... until the skin was peeling off my fingertips from disinfectants and pine-sol, but I have needs too and I need brainless time to recover from the teaming up of two toddlers who must have realized the value of free entertainment when they see their mom light up with excitement. You know, the kind of excitement one gets when a child plunges one hand in the toaster slot and presses the lever with the other hand - or the garland of tinsel wound up her arm, like a sling, so tight that her hand is starting to tingle (and we can't find the end, therefore surgery is required on that defenseless sparkly garland) - or the five hundred little rubber bands spread across the bathroom floor with one peanut using my mascara wand to collect them all! As if we're at the circus! Well, ok, maybe that feels true sometimes.... touche. So I'm slipping away for a moment to acquire brainless activity and officially kick off my blog. Ha, my blog... that's funny.

All in all, if you must know though, I LOVE being a mom and I know I'll miss these days of their lives when they're grown , but I'm sure there are things I won't miss, things I can't wait to be done with, say, diapers! Ugh.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! way to kick off a blog. I look forward to reading more. Type ya later cuz.

Kiwimommy said...

I am very excited about this! You have a wonderful voice and this is going to be a good regular read. YAY!