I do... it wasn't long ago when the napster was an essential part of the day! It would rejuvenate my soul with a dose of peace and quiet, bandage up my mommy wounds in preparation for the next round. My ears didn't ring from the constant white noise. The tension in my shoulders wasn't pinching my spine. I was functioning and didn't feel like a complete failure. BUT as I look around, one thing is clear... the napster has left the building.
Is there an 1-800 hotline for this condition? A pharmaceutical drug?? An illegal one? Wine perhaps? no no no... we have enough whine, that's the problem people!!!
It - was - just - ninety - minutes -a - day!
Oh napster, why you wanna leave me?
13 November 2009
I'm back..
2009 is just about wrapped up, we'll get a cute little bow in a mere seven weeks and plug the memory slot with its content. Until then, there are two holidays, two birthdays an annual holiday brunch we host and one crampy menstrual cycle to push through.
I think I feel a tightening in my shoulders...
I think I feel a tightening in my shoulders...
06 March 2009
Tuesday, the new Friday
I was going to title this entry,
Then, a thingy happened as I capitalized the F. I began to think about that emphasis, normally placed on the word Friday....
Back in the day, Friday meant peace and quiet was right around the corner from week of "working for the man". It was soon to be my choice how and where to spend the leisurely week-end, so emphasizing Friday would have been a natural selection.
Then I thought of that saying in relation to my husband and/or daughter, who spend the weekdays going full tilt at work or school and are itching for what the weekend brings to their lives, for what Friday means to them; so I asked, "What does the weekend mean to you?" and here are some results:
Saving the hour and half daily commute
No homework
Family time
Sleeping in is optional
Video Game availability
Showering is optional
Staying in pajamas and slippers until noon is optional
Computer availability (for my teenager)
Shaving is optional
Friends and fun
Finally, I thought to myself, what does Friday mean today? Because it isn't back in the day anymore and my work isn't the simple task it use to be.
It now revolves around multiple jobs - that require multiple hats - for multiple personalities.
It means that, rather than working for the man, I'm working with my man.
It means that Friday is the new Monday and Tuesday is the new Friday!!
Why technically, its my Monday, so scratch the t.g.i.F., but it will be great to spend time with the family!
Then, a thingy happened as I capitalized the F. I began to think about that emphasis, normally placed on the word Friday....
Back in the day, Friday meant peace and quiet was right around the corner from week of "working for the man". It was soon to be my choice how and where to spend the leisurely week-end, so emphasizing Friday would have been a natural selection.
Then I thought of that saying in relation to my husband and/or daughter, who spend the weekdays going full tilt at work or school and are itching for what the weekend brings to their lives, for what Friday means to them; so I asked, "What does the weekend mean to you?" and here are some results:
Saving the hour and half daily commute
No homework
Family time
Sleeping in is optional
Video Game availability
Showering is optional
Staying in pajamas and slippers until noon is optional
Computer availability (for my teenager)
Shaving is optional
Friends and fun
Finally, I thought to myself, what does Friday mean today? Because it isn't back in the day anymore and my work isn't the simple task it use to be.
It now revolves around multiple jobs - that require multiple hats - for multiple personalities.
It means that, rather than working for the man, I'm working with my man.
It means that Friday is the new Monday and Tuesday is the new Friday!!
Why technically, its my Monday, so scratch the t.g.i.F., but it will be great to spend time with the family!
27 February 2009
For the past two weeks the weather has been fantastic! All of the snow finally melted down into the dormant landscape and visions of spring began to pop up as if tulip bulbs were breaking through to touch the sun. Yet Mother Nature's reminder was loud and clear this morning as I woke up to a snow laden ground, as if to say,
"It's only February, dear".
And so it is....
"It's only February, dear".
And so it is....
24 February 2009
It's been a great few weeks! I'm not sick anymore, spring is in the air and my head is getting clearer. Guess I've just had a bout of cabin fever, but now the snow is mostly melted so it won't be long until the tulip bulbs stretch out to touch the sunlight again.
My husband spoiled me on Valentine's Day with a three and a half hour spa treatment and dinner. We decided to hit a local favorite, Tucano's Brazillian Grill, but left as quickly as we arrived when we learned the wait was a ghastly four and a half hours!!! We hesitantly tried our next option, The Happy Sumo. We took seating at the bar not long after arriving and drank a sake toast to another year while we enjoyed the meal as well as the atmosphere.
We have also recently finished the basement, but I'll put that in a separate post.
Life is good.
My husband spoiled me on Valentine's Day with a three and a half hour spa treatment and dinner. We decided to hit a local favorite, Tucano's Brazillian Grill, but left as quickly as we arrived when we learned the wait was a ghastly four and a half hours!!! We hesitantly tried our next option, The Happy Sumo. We took seating at the bar not long after arriving and drank a sake toast to another year while we enjoyed the meal as well as the atmosphere.
We have also recently finished the basement, but I'll put that in a separate post.
Life is good.
Walter Wick: Games, Gizmos and Toys in the Attic

Feb 26 - May 26
BYU: Museum of Art
Free Admission
M-F, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
SAT, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Buttons, marbles, dice, rubber frogs, and plastic airplanes are not the "treasures" usually seen in an art museum. But in the exhibition Walter Wick: Games, Gizmos, and Toys in the Attic these objects are the building blocks of the imaginative world of Walter Wick, photographer and author of the popular children's book series I Spy (with Jean Marzollo) and Can You See What I See?
Wick interweaves stories, puzzles, and optical games to invite playful interaction with pictures and words. His puzzles tantalize readers - of all ages - honing observation skills and encouraging a creative and complex relationship between language and image. Starting with a concept for a series of images that will ultimately form a book, Wick collaborates with model makers and scene artists to construct individual compositions that are then photographed. The whimsical objects that populate his photographs come from the vast collection of beads, clips, shells, games pieces, plastic animals and more that fills his Connecticut studio.
In this exhibition, photographs and models escape the book to assume a larger than life presence that magically draws both children and adults into a world of make believe. Wick then pulls back the curtain and invites his audience on a backstage tour. Viewers have the opportunity to explore the making of the images through photographs, models, and videos.
Additional events include:
Opening Day Party for Families
Games and activities with an appearance by Walter Wick
February 26, 2009
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Artist's Lecture
February 26, 2009
7 pm, Museum of Art Auditorium (lower level)
Wick @ Nite: Discover the Fun
Thursday, March 5 - April 2, 2009
7 pm, Museum of Art Auditorium (lower level)
Family Art Days: Games,
Gizmos and Play at the MOA
June 11, 2009
10 am to 3 pm
Group tours are available. Please call the Museum of Art Education Department at (801) 422-1140 at least one week in advance.
Admission to the museum and associated events is free of charge. For more information about this exhibition or the events listed on this page, call the museum at (801) 422-8287 or send an e-mail to moa@byu.edu.
Wasatch Chorale: From Broadway to the Met

February 26, 2009
7:30 p.m.
$10 general admission
$8 students, seniors, and children over the age of 8
$30/group (up to 6)
Click here to buy tickets!
"From Broadway to the Met" will feature Broadway show tunes, Opera Choruses, and UVU and Wasatch Chorale Aria contest winners.
The mission of the Wasatch Chorale is to continue an established tradition of choral excellence by offering to the community the masterpieces, and a full range of music from the choral repertoire, as well as expanding the musical abilities of its singers.
07 February 2009
25 Random Things
RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs (+) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I bite my fingernails still. Even though as a child, my _______(someone close to me) attempted repeatedly to make me believe they would collect and become a growth on my neck. No kidding. Who does that?
2. I’m stubborn.
3. I’m closer to forty than I am to thirty and its kind of a strange (and strangely satisfying) feeling.
4. As my sister mentioned in her list, I too, had lived in 35 places by the time I finished high school… and when I was ten, went to four schools in three states: Utah, Oklahoma, Arizona. For those of you wondering if my parents were in the military, the answer is no. From the time I finished high school, I can count at least another 18 moves on my own, totaling over 50 moves in my 38 years. Most recently, we’ve lived in our home for seven years (in April), which is also the longest amount of time I’ve lived in one place my entire life…
5. I’ve always equated time lines with where I was living… say, 1981 and I would say, “Ogden, middle school, 6th grade”, then think of things from that particular year I would rather make fun of with my sister because to us it’s a normal abnormality, to others probably not so much. You know what I’m talking about Jade…yeah?
6. I was twenty-nine (a.k.a. “old maid” in Utah years) when I took my vows. This will be our ninth year of m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e and I probably don’t appreciate all of the thoughtful things my h-u-s-b-a-n-d does… so here’s a shout out to Craig for being so “a-w-e-s-o-m-e” (te he he -inside joke).
7. I’m looking forward to knowing my children for the rest of our lives…. I love, love, LOVE them! *My heart swells* My family means a LOT to me.
8. I have a child older than my oldest daughter whom I have only met once, yet hope to double that number someday.
9. My first name is the same as my mother’s mother and my father’s mother, Katherine and my middle name is the same as my father’s sister, but I’ve gone by Lani for as long as I can remember. –It was the same every school year, answering, “Here” to Katherine then requesting to be called a nickname that was only part of my middle name. Now it’s a handy spam alert when the voice on the other end asks for Katherine or makes an attempt with something like, Kathy. Ew.
10. I love being connected with people I care about. Sometimes many miles are in between, encounters are few and let’s face it, we continue with our lives and losing touch happens. It’s a wonderful tool, this Facebook stuff.
11. I love having a best friend who is also my sister. It makes for good therapy sessions – for both of us. So I’m NOT craz¥? We can talk for hours at a time and do it again the next day. Life happened for about 15 years without each other, but I can say without a doubt, that won’t happen again.
12. For about 10 years I lost myself to the grasp of an uber-controlling and abusive boyfriend. Seven were actually with him, but once I built up the courage to leave, it took another three before I began to snap out of it. It’s probably fair to say I’ll never get over it, but I do recognize what I’ve gained from it. Yeah, that really sucked.
13. I remember falling in love with the pages of National Geographic around six, then meeting my Grandpa at ten, who was a professional, and realizing all those magazine images were photographs, which meant someone was taking them!, which lead to my love for photography . It was about then I began seeing life in still images -and still do. Even when I don’t have a camera, I’m grateful to have seen it with my own lens.
14. I played all kinds of sports growing up, softball and volleyball were my favorites. Still are, but I don’t play anymore.
15. I also love video games and have since I was about 11. Loved Missle Command, Space Invaders, Tron, old PacMan then Ms. PacMan and Joust, Galaga and Defender were ok too. Still love all kinds of video games and still play ‘em. Most recent is Mario Kart – my online rating is 9K. ☺
16. I was a smoker for nearly 20 years – and quit for every pregnancy, that's someone elses life to choose! I always knew I wouldn’t smoke forever, but didn’t know how, when, how or HOW that would happen since I loved it so much. Then when I found out I was pregnant and quit, it happened. I truly became a non-smoker having not even one craving – its been six years.
17. I’ve recently reconnected with my dad, whom I hadn’t seen in 23 years until this past summer. Also, we’ve reconnected (my siblings and I) with a family heritage we’ve not known much and, speaking for myself, it’s the filler for the void in my soul… its my heritage, blood, dna, etc….
18. I don’t have a lot of friends, but the ones I have are near and dear.
19. I’m really not the touchy-feely type. Except from my family, there’s no such thing as too much.
20. I like red licorice – Nibs or cherry Twizzlers.
21. I’m nurturing my green thumb. The canvas I have now is getting there, year by year.
22. I love to cook but rarely use recipes, I hear it’s a Chu family trait.
23. I love the football season!!!
24. I’m: Hawaiian, Chinese, Portuguese, English, Danish, Swedish and Palani says German too - who knew?! :)
25. I loved being a teenager in the 80’s … that was a fun time. All that cheese, but “where’s the beef?”.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs (+) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I bite my fingernails still. Even though as a child, my _______(someone close to me) attempted repeatedly to make me believe they would collect and become a growth on my neck. No kidding. Who does that?
2. I’m stubborn.
3. I’m closer to forty than I am to thirty and its kind of a strange (and strangely satisfying) feeling.
4. As my sister mentioned in her list, I too, had lived in 35 places by the time I finished high school… and when I was ten, went to four schools in three states: Utah, Oklahoma, Arizona. For those of you wondering if my parents were in the military, the answer is no. From the time I finished high school, I can count at least another 18 moves on my own, totaling over 50 moves in my 38 years. Most recently, we’ve lived in our home for seven years (in April), which is also the longest amount of time I’ve lived in one place my entire life…
5. I’ve always equated time lines with where I was living… say, 1981 and I would say, “Ogden, middle school, 6th grade”, then think of things from that particular year I would rather make fun of with my sister because to us it’s a normal abnormality, to others probably not so much. You know what I’m talking about Jade…yeah?
6. I was twenty-nine (a.k.a. “old maid” in Utah years) when I took my vows. This will be our ninth year of m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e and I probably don’t appreciate all of the thoughtful things my h-u-s-b-a-n-d does… so here’s a shout out to Craig for being so “a-w-e-s-o-m-e” (te he he -inside joke).
7. I’m looking forward to knowing my children for the rest of our lives…. I love, love, LOVE them! *My heart swells* My family means a LOT to me.
8. I have a child older than my oldest daughter whom I have only met once, yet hope to double that number someday.
9. My first name is the same as my mother’s mother and my father’s mother, Katherine and my middle name is the same as my father’s sister, but I’ve gone by Lani for as long as I can remember. –It was the same every school year, answering, “Here” to Katherine then requesting to be called a nickname that was only part of my middle name. Now it’s a handy spam alert when the voice on the other end asks for Katherine or makes an attempt with something like, Kathy. Ew.
10. I love being connected with people I care about. Sometimes many miles are in between, encounters are few and let’s face it, we continue with our lives and losing touch happens. It’s a wonderful tool, this Facebook stuff.
11. I love having a best friend who is also my sister. It makes for good therapy sessions – for both of us. So I’m NOT craz¥? We can talk for hours at a time and do it again the next day. Life happened for about 15 years without each other, but I can say without a doubt, that won’t happen again.
12. For about 10 years I lost myself to the grasp of an uber-controlling and abusive boyfriend. Seven were actually with him, but once I built up the courage to leave, it took another three before I began to snap out of it. It’s probably fair to say I’ll never get over it, but I do recognize what I’ve gained from it. Yeah, that really sucked.
13. I remember falling in love with the pages of National Geographic around six, then meeting my Grandpa at ten, who was a professional, and realizing all those magazine images were photographs, which meant someone was taking them!, which lead to my love for photography . It was about then I began seeing life in still images -and still do. Even when I don’t have a camera, I’m grateful to have seen it with my own lens.
14. I played all kinds of sports growing up, softball and volleyball were my favorites. Still are, but I don’t play anymore.
15. I also love video games and have since I was about 11. Loved Missle Command, Space Invaders, Tron, old PacMan then Ms. PacMan and Joust, Galaga and Defender were ok too. Still love all kinds of video games and still play ‘em. Most recent is Mario Kart – my online rating is 9K. ☺
16. I was a smoker for nearly 20 years – and quit for every pregnancy, that's someone elses life to choose! I always knew I wouldn’t smoke forever, but didn’t know how, when, how or HOW that would happen since I loved it so much. Then when I found out I was pregnant and quit, it happened. I truly became a non-smoker having not even one craving – its been six years.
17. I’ve recently reconnected with my dad, whom I hadn’t seen in 23 years until this past summer. Also, we’ve reconnected (my siblings and I) with a family heritage we’ve not known much and, speaking for myself, it’s the filler for the void in my soul… its my heritage, blood, dna, etc….
18. I don’t have a lot of friends, but the ones I have are near and dear.
19. I’m really not the touchy-feely type. Except from my family, there’s no such thing as too much.
20. I like red licorice – Nibs or cherry Twizzlers.
21. I’m nurturing my green thumb. The canvas I have now is getting there, year by year.
22. I love to cook but rarely use recipes, I hear it’s a Chu family trait.
23. I love the football season!!!
24. I’m: Hawaiian, Chinese, Portuguese, English, Danish, Swedish and Palani says German too - who knew?! :)
25. I loved being a teenager in the 80’s … that was a fun time. All that cheese, but “where’s the beef?”.
02 February 2009
25 January 2009
Hello, Is There Anybody Out There?
About mid-day Friday it happened. I received my first sniffle of 2009. At first, it didn't draw any concern, after all, what's a little sniffle, right? We've got kids with germs, sleep isn't what it use to be and is it even a sniffle, maybe I was just drooling..... Then as the day went along a sniffle turned into a dripple and before I realized it, the day was Saturday and the time, 8:30am. My husband had been up with the girls since 5:30, but wanted me to get some much needed rest (thanks hubby, I did need it). Little did he know at the time, he'd be the go-to parent all day long while I was having an out of body experience as my head swirled higher and higher yet my feet couldn't release from the ground - otherwise known as the spins.
Now, Sunday, I've been awake with the girls since I don't know when, but they're loud and my head is plugged into the a box with an amplifier and so I sit. Sit at the computer, dazed and confused, wondering, "yeah, but which KIND of amplifier"....
Calgon, take me away!!!!
About mid-day Friday it happened. I received my first sniffle of 2009. At first, it didn't draw any concern, after all, what's a little sniffle, right? We've got kids with germs, sleep isn't what it use to be and is it even a sniffle, maybe I was just drooling..... Then as the day went along a sniffle turned into a dripple and before I realized it, the day was Saturday and the time, 8:30am. My husband had been up with the girls since 5:30, but wanted me to get some much needed rest (thanks hubby, I did need it). Little did he know at the time, he'd be the go-to parent all day long while I was having an out of body experience as my head swirled higher and higher yet my feet couldn't release from the ground - otherwise known as the spins.
Now, Sunday, I've been awake with the girls since I don't know when, but they're loud and my head is plugged into the a box with an amplifier and so I sit. Sit at the computer, dazed and confused, wondering, "yeah, but which KIND of amplifier"....
Calgon, take me away!!!!
23 January 2009
I Need a Jump --- Who has the cables?
2009 is starting off with a cap gun dud. You remember the kind; pop, pop, pop, dud, pop, pop, pop!
Every have a year where you start off all scrambled and nothing is clear?
Its strange and I'm thinking about celebrating the Chinese New Year for the opportunity to start this party over.
Come on Year of the Ox!
Every have a year where you start off all scrambled and nothing is clear?
Its strange and I'm thinking about celebrating the Chinese New Year for the opportunity to start this party over.
Come on Year of the Ox!
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