13 November 2009

Remember the Napster?

I do... it wasn't long ago when the napster was an essential part of the day! It would rejuvenate my soul with a dose of peace and quiet, bandage up my mommy wounds in preparation for the next round. My ears didn't ring from the constant white noise. The tension in my shoulders wasn't pinching my spine. I was functioning and didn't feel like a complete failure. BUT as I look around, one thing is clear... the napster has left the building.

Is there an 1-800 hotline for this condition? A pharmaceutical drug?? An illegal one? Wine perhaps? no no no... we have enough whine, that's the problem people!!!

It - was - just - ninety - minutes -a - day!
Oh napster, why you wanna leave me?


PBAndJ said...

At first I thought you were talking about the music download website but then I realized you were talking about taking a nap! LOL

I don't think you'll be doing that for a while :) but I'll take one for you :)

McLani said...

Jade, you know the only naps I got back then were the ones like the infamous picture...

Think about this: rocking chair, mommy, two babies, one in each arm all passed out.

You really helped me out during one of our MANY conversations... "hang in there, its only temporary". I told myself that over and through time, it lit up like a lightbulb one day... You were right and so wise. Thank you so much!! I've used that many other times with other situations, even conversations with friends and family. Talk about hope.

I WAS paying tribute to The Napster :(
and also, Two kids nap ... Then one kid naps ... Then NO naps ... ala the napster has left the building.