06 March 2009

Tuesday, the new Friday

I was going to title this entry,


Then, a thingy happened as I capitalized the F. I began to think about that emphasis, normally placed on the word Friday....

Back in the day, Friday meant peace and quiet was right around the corner from week of "working for the man". It was soon to be my choice how and where to spend the leisurely week-end, so emphasizing Friday would have been a natural selection.

Then I thought of that saying in relation to my husband and/or daughter, who spend the weekdays going full tilt at work or school and are itching for what the weekend brings to their lives, for what Friday means to them; so I asked, "What does the weekend mean to you?" and here are some results:

Saving the hour and half daily commute
No homework
Family time
Sleeping in is optional
Video Game availability
Showering is optional
Staying in pajamas and slippers until noon is optional
Computer availability (for my teenager)
Shaving is optional
Friends and fun


Finally, I thought to myself, what does Friday mean today? Because it isn't back in the day anymore and my work isn't the simple task it use to be.

It now revolves around multiple jobs - that require multiple hats - for multiple personalities.
It means that, rather than working for the man, I'm working with my man.
It means that Friday is the new Monday and Tuesday is the new Friday!!

Why technically, its my Monday, so scratch the t.g.i.F., but it will be great to spend time with the family!